Monday, March 5, 2012

Frame Building Day

March 3: My first attempts at building frames that will go in the "supers" went pretty well today. The frames are what the bees buildout comb on to lay eggs, fill with honey for themselves and when its a super, fill with honey for me. If you look at the pale green hives, you'll see two bigger boxes on the botton - they are the "deeps". The queen lays eggs in the lower one (brood) and the worker bees fill the second one with honey for to eat over the winter. Above that is an excluder that keeps the queen from entering the super - the smaller box above the two deeps.

Anyway, I took the parts below and built the frames above that will go into one of my supers - ten of them altogether.

The yellow part is wax that is called foundation - kind of a starter for the bees to build out comb on and again, fill with honey for me.

Also, Jesse texted me her guy's phone number for bees and I called him about getting two Nucs (pronounced"Nukes") to start my hives with this spring. All set - once I pay him. More about that later...

Haven't had much feedback on the colors for the hives. Debbie says lavendar... any comment? I do like naming them after my two favorite beatles as someone suggested, only problem is I don't have two favorite beatles, I have 4 favorites...

Let me know your thoughts - I fixed the settings and anyone should be able to post now... sorry about that Debbie.

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